Have you heard this ???? -“Between the optimist and the pessimist,the difference is droll. The optimist sees the doughnut;the pessimist the hole!” -Oscar Wilde Its the 27th again and I am all set for this month’s Daring Baker’s Challenge. This time there was no baking,it was a wonderful Doughnut [...] Generally while cooking its easy to add ingredients without causing any problem.Baking is however much more precise and requires the quantities of each ingredient to be exact. I can never blindly throw any ingredients and come up with something perfect.Not only with Baking,in any recipe especially for the ones you are not sure of the [...] I think all these event’s actually force me to blog:).August Challenge was Dhokla,though I’ve made it “n”number of times something or the other was always wrong.I was thoroughly impressed with the recipe provided by Srivalli.I actually missed the event but tried the recipe later and it was jes PERFECT! I guess it was the [...] “After one bite we could die and go to heaven”thats what Vols-au-Vent is all about”. I seem to have been regularly irregular.This Summer has kept me really occupied.I will surely get back soon with a “Bang”,for now its gona be another Daring Baker’s Challenge.I just enjoy being a part of it,the recipes are so [...] Two more days to go for FIC ? Express your Mood.I have been wondering now for a while about the nature of the event,was it complex?.My apologies to my fellow bloggers if they have found it a li?l complex,however that wasn?t my intention.I really wanted to kindle the creative instincts in each one of [...] Okie am back,not that I ever left,am back to the blogging world! I thought I would take a moment today to welcome myself back from a long and a wonderful vacation.Am I happy or sad???? Well,I have mixed feelings,feeling bad coz am missing my family,happy coz am back to my space,my sweet home. It was [...] While making Coconut Macaroons yesterday,I was thinking about my Dad.After a good meal,he would go to the kitchen and ask my Mom Wats there to eat?? He actually meant something to munch or savories. We call it ?Norukuthini? in Tamil.I wud ask Wats there to Norukufy?? (jes a modernized way of calling it).Mom used [...] If Potlucks are based on a theme,it makes it all the more fun something to do with a particular region,the same color,same cuisine,ethnic food,Americanized Indian food etc.My personal favourite would be one revolving around a particular vegetable/ingredient eg Potato,Eggplant ,Pepper. I also prefer the Indianized American food or vis-a-vis …….there is so much to [...] | About meStraight from a foodie lover’s heart thats what this site is all about. It’s just not about the taste,appearance or the presentation neither it is about satisfying ones hunger or revitalizing the organs. There is much more to it. I have been passionate about baking and this blog gave me an opportunity to express myself and hone my latent culinary skills.And last not but the least learn,the art of baking and cooking from many many talented people,age and location not withstanding.I welcome you to my world of foodie lovers!. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it - Nina:)  |