Crispy Onion Rings and FIC reminder!

Two more days to go for FIC – Express your Mood.I have been wondering now for a while about the nature of the event, was it complex?.My apologies to my fellow bloggers if they have found it a li’l complex,however that wasn’t my intention.I really wanted to kindle the creative instincts in each one of us.In any case, I thank the people who have shown interest and I must say am indeed impressed with your innovation.Am looking forward to more entries for the event.

Have you seen “What about Bob”? or its remake the tamil movie “Tenali”.Its about this main character who fears about anything and everything,be it crossing the road,heights,water basically he is someone with multiple phobias. I feel embarrassed to admit but I do,I have some too,though I feel phobias is a very big a word to use,I would say am scared of certain things be it darkness,heights or water.Two weeks back we had been to Wisconsin Dells which is the “Waterpark Capital of the World”.The name says it all,it was water rides and dry rides everywhere.Me not being a ride person,wasn’t too keen on this trip.But P wanted to visit this place and hence the plan was made.We tagged along with our eight other friends and it was surely a fun filled trip.I was ready for any group activities/group rides but nothing alone,I am not all that brave and daring.sigh! I was scared even of Go Karting…can you beat that??? Huh! That’s me.

I thoroughly fell in love with the Dippin’ dots Icecream which i tried there - they are icecream snacks , very tiny beads of icecream,shaved ice and yogurt.I took this pic from the net,this is how they look.

They come in different flavors chocolate,cookie dough,vanilla,banana split and bubble gum to name a few.The craze for this continued even after I got back from the trip.I looked for this icecream on the net,found the nearest location,with few other friends I ended up going and to my surprise it was not a shop but jes an vending machine inside a movie theatre.What amused me was the fact that the details of a small vending machine was available on the net.Wow!!!!

Onion rings are my all time fav appetizer.I have had them in “n” number of places but the best one would always be in Applebees.Tried this out at home, keeping the taste in mind and I was very excited,it was jes perfect!

Prep time – 5 min
Start to finish – 15mins
Servings - 2 to 3 (as an appetizer)


White Sweet Onion – 1 large sliced into ½” thick pieces and separated into individual rings.
Buttermilk – 1 ½ Cups
All Purpose Flour/Maida – 1 ½ cups
Breadcrumbs – ½ cup
Black Pepper powder – ¼ tsp
Chilli powder – 1 tsp
Oil – for frying
Salt – as per taste


Soak the Onion rings in buttermilk for about 20 – 30mins. Mix all the dry ingredients together except for the bread crumbs which has to be kept in a wide plate separately. Heat oil in a wok/skillet.Take one ring at a time,coat them with the flour,dip it again onto the buttermilk and coat it back with the flour,immediately drop them onto the breadcrumbs,coat it well and drop them in hot oil and fry until golden crown. Don’t crowd them in the fryer.Use paper towel to drain off the excess oil.Serve hot with any sauce.

Note: Soaking the rings in buttermilk for long might end with sour onion rings,so be careful.Adding breadcrumbs surely makes a difference in the taste,however this can be avoided.As the flour by itself will make the rings crispy,but adding crumbs might help it stay crispier for a li’l long than usual. Dropping them one by one for frying might be a li’l time consuming,instead keep about 5 to 6 rings ready and fry them at once,in the meanwhile keep the next batch ready.

Verdict : Its simple awesome….i have no other words to say:)

Sending this to CLICK Allium hosted by Jugalbandhi,FIC Express your mood hosted by me and to WYF - Fried Snack hosted by EC.

26 Responses to Crispy Onion Rings and FIC reminder!

  1. Pooja says:

    Wow the onion rings look so crispy and delicious! And dont worry about the theme of your event..its not a complex one! We have been planning to go to Dells for quite some time and hope we get a chance soon! I really love having those Icecream dots and end up buying various flavours!

  2. Pavithra says:

    Mmmmmmmmm wow thats my fav too..looks soooooooooooooo good and yummy , perfect for snacking, Looks so tempting

  3. Faiza Ali says:

    Even i love onion rings dear. Never knew how to make them. Thanks for the recipe

  4. Nithya Praveen says:

    Thanks Pooja…that was nice of u.
    Pavithra - Your fav too….good.

    Faiza - thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Preety says:

    my hubby love onion rings, he always order these in burger king, i never tried at home but by seeing a list of few ingredients and easy procedure i think i should give this a try sometime

  6. Varsha Vipins says:

    Hi daa..long since I dropped in or wat..i see a change in the layout ..nicee..:)..n the onion rings are superb my fav too..:)..I havent seen Tenali,but yeah know the story n who doesn have small

  7. A 2 Z Vegetarian Cuisine says:

    Lovely onion rings. Looks so delicious, perfect snack to go with tea. Did you change the layout, it looks very nice.

  8. Mangala Bhat says:

    Hey Nithya how r u ? long time ha! Thanks for ur comment@ my blog ..Hey Nice onion rings .Looks perfect ..My fav too:P
    Nice entry for the events:).

  9. Sree vidya says:

    Hi Nitya,
    I have nominated you for kreative blogger award.
    Check the details here.

    Forgive me for the typo.
    I had to post the message in 7 people's blog. Got a bit confused.:)

    Ignore the previous comment.

  10. kittymatti says:

    hi dear, will surely send something interesting by tomorrow for the event..the onion rings look soooo good!

  11. Divya Kudua says:

    Onion rings look perfect..have had a similar version and loved it..but never tried making it myself..:)

  12. Poornima Nair says:

    Woww…ur onion rings look great. They have turned out perfect. One os my favorite appetizers, though I've never made them at home.

  13. Suparna says:

    hi Nithya,
    LOL …the phobia creeps into everybody in a big or small way I too am kinda a phobic about some silly things neways the icecream seems an interesting variation from the usual ones …lucky girlie to have tries it
    Hmmm…the onion rings are a great tea time snack this method seems a little different from what I do, thanks for the variation recipe and yup its a nice tempting click

  14. EC says:

    Never have I tried such a snack..its always pakoda or bajji with onions..Will try it sometime..Good one

  15. ARUNA says:

    love onion rings!!!!! these rings look so crispy!!

  16. EC says:

    I have an award for u here…enjoy

  17. Sanghi says:

    Yummy! I have in my draft. yet to post..!

  18. Pari says:

    Lovely crispy rings. I have never attempted making them but surely I can hog on them. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Parita says:

    Onions rings are my fav, always have them when visit to burger king there is nothing to be ashamed of dear, everyone has their own fears, i too fear water and me creeps…

  20. My Experiments with Cooking says:

    I remember eating these onion rings in Korea. Lovely, no? Never tried them at home. You are pushing me to. First time on your blog.

  21. Nithya Praveen says:

    Thanks for the comments Preeti,u must try them.Varsha,glad to c u back here.I did change my layout some time back A2Z vegetarian.I am doing fine Mangala,thanks for the comment.Thanks so much for the award Vidya.Preeti,thanks am looking fwd to ur entry.Divya-thanks for visiting the blog and comments.Poornima – ur fav too….u must try this then.Suparna,thanks for the comments,how is ur method,let me know.EC – it was wonderful to c u here.Aruna – thanks so much.Sanghi – you made it too?post them soonPari – its all urs…u may hog all of themParita –Glad u liked them.My experiments with cooking – thanks for visiting my blog,u may wana try them now

  22. Yasmeen says:

    Yummy!Rings look perfectly crisp.
    We've been to dells too,real fun place.
    I'm not sure you got the FIC entry I sent last week.Do let me know ,so I can send again.:D

  23. Vani says:

    My fave too. Looks good!

  24. Trupti says:

    onion rings looks yummy

    Fashion Deals For Less
    Recipe Center

  25. Lisa Michelle says:

    That is exactly how I love my onion rings! I can never find them like that at any take out or decent restaurant that doesn't empty my bank NO Applebee's nearby, so I'm glad you posted the recipe. They look awesome!

  26. Subhie Arun says:

    wow..thx 4 shairng…neva tried doin myself before..looks too perfect like store bought

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