I am a big fan of Mexican cuisine, well who isn’t ?
I came across Ben’s blog while searching for authentic Mexican recipes long back.I wasn’t into serious blogging then. A few months back,I got to his blog through one of the guest posts that he had written for another blogger. From then on I’ve been religiously following his wonderful posts.His work takes you on a great journey to Mexico where in he talks about their food,tradition,markets, places etc. Its one stop place for all the delicious Mexican food:). I reached out to Ben and asked him to do a guest post for me and he gratefully agreed. Thank you Ben…over to you.
I’m honored to write a guest post for Nina. I have been following her blog for just a couple of months but her photography, stories and baked goods made me fall in love with it. Now I’m such a fan that I recommend it to everybody around the blogosphere.
If you’ve ever read my blog, you probably know that I’m a street and market food lover. One of the three jobs I have is being a culinary guide in Mexico City. I take people from all over the world to the streets and markets of this amazing city to eat.
Street food in Mexico is not lacking. One of the most common comments I get from our clients is that you can’t go a block without running into some kind of food stall, restaurant or market. From tamales to tlacoyos; from tortas (Mexican sandwiches) to burritos (not as common as many people believe, but we have some dang good burritos) and, of course, all kinds of tacos, Mexico City streets and markets have it all. It is a foodie paradise.
One of my favorite foods on the streets and at the markets of Mexico is tostadas. Tostada is no more than a corn tortilla that has been fried, toasted or baked until it becomes crispy. They are eaten as bread with pozole, a stew made with corn and pork, but they are more commonly prepared with different toppings to become a dish by themselves.
And what toppings do people use to make tostadas? The list is endless! My favorite tostada place inside the Coyoacan market offers seafood including crab, shrimp and octopus. But that’s just the beginning. Other toppings are chicken, beef, mushrooms, vegetables and one of my personal favorites, pork feet.
Those toppings are only the main ingredient on a tostada. Tostadas also might include refried beans, lettuce, avocado, cheese and cream. As with other types of Mexican food like quesadillas and tacos, the toppings for the tostadas vary in each region of the country. Some of them are as simple as refried beans and some kind of dairy and some as complex as cochinita pibil (a dish from the Yucatan peninsula which origins can be traced to the Mayan cuisine).
Making tostadas at home can be very easy. With Mexican and Latino markets and stores opening all over the U.S. and other parts of the world, getting the right ingredients has never been easier. Today I want to share with you a recipe to make Tilapia Tostadas, a recipe that has been tried and tested for a long time and is a favorite in our household.
1 lb tilapia fillets, rinsed and pat dried.
2 TBSP olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely minced
2 jalapeno peppers, chopped (keep the veins and seeds for more heat)
2 cups diced tomatoes
bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
2-3 TBSP lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
Slices of avocado
12 tostadasHeat olive oil in a heavy skillet. Sauté onion and when it starts to turn translucent add garlic. Stir well.Place tilapia on the skillet and let it cook until the flesh starts to flake away. Add peppers, tomatoes, parsley and lime juice. Cook together for about 7 minutes at medium high heat.Season to taste, serve over tostadas with a slice of avocado and enjoy!
Buen provecho!

Another big hit!! This looks and sounds so delicious!
Thanks! They were delicious as well.
Thank you Ben:)
Ben is one of my favorite bloggers and this post is full of so much eye candy! Those tostadas look delicious…so fresh-flavored!
Thanks Joanne:)
Aww Thanks Joanne!